Recording Services vs. Live Streaming
Many churches are closing their doors for their Sunday morning services in the wake of the coronavirus and are opting to live-stream their services. While this can be a great option for times like this, here’s why we’re choosing to simply record ahead of time rather than live-stream…
Live-Streaming has the benefit of everyone participating at the same time. Then once it’s over, the video is available for those who couldn’t make it. The downside to this is that everyone needs to wait for the live-stream to be ready. We’ve chosen to record our service the Friday before so that it’s ready by 12am Sunday morning. This gives you and your family the freedom to do “home church” whenever suits your schedule best.
Live-Streaming provides the opportunity for worship teams to lead us in worship at home. However, that can only be legally done if your church has the required extra CCLI liscense. We have chosen not to purchase this extra liscense for a few reasons. At this point, we would only need it for however long we don’t have group gatherings due to the coronavirus. Secondly, we want to encourage all of our families and even small groups to worship Jesus together in their home – this includes our leaders and their families.
Recording ahead of time allows for us to plan out a more intimate setting rather than trying to imitate our regular Sunday morning services.
Recording ahead of time also allows for better quality videos and we also avoid the risk of connectivity issues.
So we may not be meeting for a couple Sundays, but our sermons are still being made available on our Refton Church YouTube channel – Please hit those like and subscribe buttons! We encourage you to do church at home by praying together and diving into God’s Word together through our sermons. We would also encourage you to share our sermons across your social media accounts. So while we’re worshiping apart from the larger group, this is a great chance for us to come closer together in a different way!